Submit a mobility grant application

Mobility grants can be used for short-term scientific missions (STSM) which are exchange visits between researchers belonging to one of the INTEC network partners, allowing scientists to visit an institution or laboratory of another partner participating in INTEC. These scientific missions may last up to 3 months. Their aim is to foster collaboration in excellent research infrastructures and share new techniques that may not be available in the participant’s home institution or laboratory. We stimulate early-career researchers to apply and benefit from ‘training through research’ during an STSM.

How to apply:

• Applications must be submitted at least 1 month before the start of the STSM by filling out the e-form below. All applications  must be in line with the INTEC guidelines and research topics. 

• Eligible applications will be evaluated by the INTEC coordination office members for their scientific quality, feasibility and benefit to the development of INTEC. If several applications are submitted, a ranking will be made by the coordination office members. The researchers who applied will receive the results of the selection. 

• The provided funding will be a maximum of 1000€ for travel expenses and a daily allowance of 120€ (no flat fee; based on invoices/tickets). The total amount of the mobility grant will not exceed 2500€ per application. 


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