iSCCa: International Symposium on Cardiovascular Calcification

The congress will take place at the Lenval Foundation Hospital (57 Avenue de la Californie – Nice, France).

Nice is very accessible via its International Airport or by train. The congress place is very close to the airport by tram or buses.

Program session synopsis
• Basic knowledge in biomineralization: what’s new ?
• Calcification: A cardiovascular biomarker ?
• Clinical aspects: Crossing view from the cardiologists, nephrologists, vascular doctors and surgeons.
• Therapeutics and beyond
• Final Round table

Registration is now open! Click here or scan the QR code to register:

Share your research at ISCCa!  Abstract Submissions have been extended until September 22nd .
Oral communications and posters
will be selected by the Scientific Committee.Submit your abstract here or scan the QR code:

For information, please contact us at or visit us on social media

Organizing Committees
: Prof. Lefthériotis, Georges

Local organizing Committee
Dr. Bendahou, Saïd
Dr. Bernardor, Julie
Dr. Blin, Claudine
Prof. Chinetti, Giulia
Clotaire, Laetitia (PhD student)
Dr. Duranton, Christophe
Dr. Materozzi, Maria
Dr. Rubera, Isabelle
Prof. Sadaghianloo, Nirvana

International Scientific committee
· Prof. Dr. Elena Aikawa, MD-PhD, cardiologist at Harward Med school, Center for Interdisciplinary Cardiovascular Sciences, USA.
· Prof. Dr. Magnus Bäck, MD-PhD, cardiologist, director of Cardiovascular Research and Education at the Karolinska University Hospital and Head of Translational Cardiology at Karolinska Institutet research co-director at the University of Lorraine in Nancy, France and editor in chief “European Heart Journal”open
· Dr. Wilko Spiering, MD-PhD, vascular physician at the Utrecht Hospital center, Vascular medicine department, the Netherland
· Prof. Dr. Andreas Pasch, MD-PhD, nephrologist, Founder and CMO Calcison, Switzerland
· Prof. Dr. Olivier Vanakker, MD-PhD, head of Genetic department at Ghent University, Belgium, coordinator of the INTEC network.
· Prof. Dr. Franck Rutsch, MD-PhD, pediatrician, head of pediatric, Münster University Children’s Hospital, Germany, expert in generalized calcification in infancy (GACI).
· Dr. Eleonor Cancela, PhD, senior scientist and research director at Molecular and Cellular dept, University of Algarve, Portugal)
· Prof. Dr. Pedro Valdivielso, MD-PhD, internist and head of the dept of Internal medicine of Malaga, Spain.
· Prof. Dr. Patrick Rossignol, MD-PhD, nephrologist and head of Dept of nephrology, Hop Princess Grace, Monaco.
· Prof. Dr. Leon Schurgers, MD-PhD, specialist of the vitamin K Netherland, Maastrich)
· Prof. Dr. Ziad Massy, MD-PhD, nephrologist, chief, Division of Nephrology, Ambroise Paré Hospital, AP-HP. Université Paris Saclay.
· Dr. H. Kempf, PhD, scientist, Group leader of the team “Pathological Mineralization” at UMR CNRS 7365, Nancy, France & president of the International scientific society on ectopic calcification (ISSEC)

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webinars !

Register for the next webinar on October 29th, 4 PM CET focussing Gla proteins, by Hervé Kempf.